The smile in the above picture is a warm welcome from the scowl I had last week in pain from my stint in the hospital with kidney stones. This week was warm welcome to Spring indeed with the rising temperatures we have been getting and it's almost my favorite season of the year. It is also almost the end of this One Room Challenge and I can't believe how fast 8 weeks have gone by.

The past 8 weeks have been a really good distraction for me in this pregnancy. I started out the challenge truly challenging myself and my morning sickness that was just starting to subside. I had to cancel and reschedule all of my clients since work was getting too stressful on my physical and mental health and focusing solely on our Nursery Nook for Baby V was an exciting thing to look forward to doing for myself. This past week, since I was told to take it easy and make sure I hydrate with a gallon of water a day, put my feet up for swelling and make sure not to work and stress my body; we slowly got the dresser ready to bring into the house. Although Brian did most of the remainder of the sanding, and installing the clothes rod, I slowly but surely bleached the wood and spray painted the clothes rod rose gold.

As much as those around me say to relax, I wouldn't be who I was if I didn't do a little bit of something each day that quiets my racing heart and stimulates my overly energetic mind. Truly, I need to be stimulated physically and mentally each day. If I don't keep my mind and hands busy, I don't feel like myself and that does more harm than good. No amount of rest and relaxation can fix that. I used Rustoleum Metallic finish in Rose Gold to spray the rod I had bought from Home Depot a few weeks ago. The rustoleum works great on metal and I figured the rose gold would look best inside the closet instead of gold since the room is a burnt sienna color. I also used non-diluted clorox bleach and a paintbrush to brush bleach onto the dresser cabinet. I only wanted to do one coat because it will lighten as it dries and I didn't need it to be super natural light wood, I liked the rustic blend of dark and light wood together just like my armoire and dresser I refurbished in our bedroom.

Brian and I spent our anniversary last Sunday in the garage as I watched him sand and install the new wood spines. We used a 1x2 maple board cut down with the circular saw to stabilize the new rod inside the closet and set it with Loctite wood glue and 1/2 inch nails. He will bring in the furniture this weekend and I am so excited to see it in the nook. He will install the rod and screw back on the mirror and I will attach the leather strap handles that I purchased form Amazon to replace the knobs. We plan on gluing the top drawer closed as the little desk insert for that top drawer isn't very useful and is frustratingly difficult to open and close. We don't need it since we have three other drawers, the hanging closet and room underneath for baskets. Although, Vienna does have so many clothes already since my mother saved a lot of my baby dresses and has bought something every time she goes to Target!

Being 22 weeks pregnant and finishing this nursery nook for our baby girl is an amazing accomplishment I will never forget. We may not live in this apartment forever, but the memories will and I'm so glad to have documented every step of the way. See you at the finish line!
xoxo- Jacqueline
