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Week 3 One Room Challenge

Writer's picture: Jacqueline LoiaconoJacqueline Loiacono

As I sit and write this blog, I'm starting from scratch, like many of us have to do certain days in our lives. Not thinking this morning, I highlighted my prewritten blog post from my phone notes into my computer and deleted the whole thing. If this were yesterday, I would've freaked out, cried and maybe thrown something against the wall; but today, I'm just starting again. Week 3 and Week 19 of my pregnancy has taught me a few things. One, thing in particular is that things were made to be broken. Our hearts, our spirits, our bones, our material objects that we own...the list goes on. Just like wallpaper ripping (yes I did that this week too) things can be put back together piece by piece. It may take a while, and it may not look the same as before, but it can be whole again.

I was able to do a few things this week without frustration because Brian was home for Spring Break. Although it's therapeutic for me to work alone, it's so nice to work together (without arguing whose way is best of course ;) We were able to remove the closet door since the dresser wouldn't fit with the door there, measure the shutters and begin to strip them, and move the dresser and armoire to fit upcoming Baby Crib. I was also able to patch and paint holes in the bedroom, wallpaper one wall of the nursery closet and make the beaded chandelier. Looking back now I see we got a lot done in a short amount of time. We had originally planned to go on vacation this week, but when we were going to book it, I still wasn't feeling well. This made me feel guilty this past week because I was starting to feel better. I kept myself busy instead with making progress on the One Room Challenge and we made sure every day we did something together so I had something to look forward to.

In hindsight, I'm glad we didn't go because I wound up having to start taking insulin from having high blood sugar levels overnight. My placenta and hormones were taking away the insulin I needed to process the glucose in my body overnight. So it wasn't what I was eating that made my sugar high, it was when I didn't eat while sleeping. Needless to say, this week had a few disappointments for me. Nothing unsafe or bad, just frustrating. Luckily, like I said before, most things can be fixed with time and effort, as well as understanding and forgiving myself.

After the day began with an early morning zoom meeting learning how to use my insulin pen, I was cranky and hungry. Of course I should've woken up early and ate, but I was tired so I slept in until the appointment. I started my day off in a bad mood. By the end of the day, I had settled down and started wallpapering (My delivery of my wallpaper from Amazon came early and it truly was a gift for me to start working on it to help me wind down on the evening of that annoying morning). My first piece of course ripped, but I was calm and just carried on. **My tip to anyone using peel and stick is to just stick your ripped pieces on the side, and use it when you need to patch other spots in the pattern. I was able to use the two rolls to cover the top half of the wall that will be above the molding separating the paint from the floral paper. I surprised myself because I was able to patch so many spots with the ripped paper all because I didn't get frustrated and took my time. That was a lesson for me in itself. I think it came out beautiful so far. I ordered three more for the ceiling and slope down since of course, I forgot to measure (rookie mistake on my part) I was so proud that I completed this puzzle of a pattern especially since I always grew up hating puzzles, but was always forced to participate in doing them at my dad's), I guess puzzles helped my problem solving skills after all <3.

My last project for the week was making my DIY Boho Beaded Chandelier (Instagram Reel Here) I wanted a boho chandelier for the nursery closet, but didn't want to spend money to buy one, so I looked on Pinterest for some ideas, and eventually decided to play around with designs and make it myself. I bought a 14" gold craft hoop off of Amazon and a bag of wooden beads. I had twine and string already, as well as ceiling twist-in hooks to hang it around the lightbulb. I saw some cool ones other people made where they used a lightbulb frame instead of hanging it on hooks but I just used what I had. I also want to make Vienna a Boho Bead mobile, if I have the time and wherewithal to do it again.

I started with cutting a 24 inch strand of string and tying it to one end of the hoop, making it my longest piece. Then I strung 20-30 beads onto the string and tied the other end to the hoop. I repeated a kind of zigzag pattern of alternating strands and lessening the beads with each strand where I wanted them shorter. There's no exact way to do it, I just had fun with my own take on a pattern. I also draped shorter strands on the sides like "curtain bangs" I called them and made it look more rounded. I could've put more strands on, but I ran out of beads. I used some extra to make beaded tie backs fro my velvet curtains in the bedroom as well. I love the way it turned out, and I love it even more because I made it myself.

Week 3 was certainly a challenging one for me, but not in the way where I was frustrated about my work or progress. I was frustrated with myself. I am learning to give myself grace and forgive myself for the negative thoughts I have towards who I am and the way my body is changing to grow my healthy Baby Girl. Just like this One Room Challenge, I am challenging myself to work on my own progress, building my self- acceptance piece by piece, strand by strand just like I made the chandelier. I know it will take some time, but all good things take time whether we like it or not. Things were made to be broken, but it doesn't mean they can't be put back together.

xoxo- Jacqueline

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