If you know me, you know that my mind turns like a wheel all day long as I scan my surroundings for a new project. Something that needs fixing, updating, cleaning and creating. Sometimes it’s a blessing and sometimes a curse. Whatever it is, it’s me. DIY is my therapy and it makes me a better person. I’m lucky to have Brian on my team in projects, in parenthood, and in life.

I always have plans for so many different projects, but we wanted to create a special space together for Vienna in the backyard to cool off this summer. Now that she is about to be 22 months we knew that our yard had to be safer and more conducive to her playing like the wild and curious toddler that she is. We’re grateful to have a good yard in our rental and wanted a spot to put her baby pool or water table so we can sit and watch her play close by. We have our patio table, her playhouse and other toys closer to the house so we decided to cover the existing garden bed in the far corner of the yard which made it its own designated area.

Vienna was so excited to help us with her own tools…but clearly the bulk of the work was done when she was napping.

I shared most of the project on my social media in stories for the #FinishedFridaychallenge The projects included (with links to products below):
-Putting 1 inch plywood and 2x4 supports to cover the garden bed.
-Adding turf from Home Depot with a staple gun and privacy reed fencing from @oceanstatejoblot to cover the fence with zip ties
-Planting real and faux flowers in colorful planters from Amazon.
-Adding rocks from around the property to surround the floor turf area.
-Painting the exposed garden frame with the same pink color from Behr Paint that I used for the shed door called Prairie Rose.
-Spray painting and painting a chalkboard from an old calendar using rustoleum chalkboard spray paint
-Getting new pink cushion covers from Amazon
-Re-staining the outdoor coffee table with Behr’s all weather protection waterproofing stain and sealer in cedar natural tone

Now she has a little corner to draw with chalk, splash in and play during these hot summer days. It satisfied my need for a pretty and functional space we can all enjoy and I was proud of Brian and I working together with minimal arguments. Anyone working with their spouse knows this is a feat to accomplish without clear communication. This project required some planning, some patience and some work but it was worth it to see her face when she’s splashing around and I can catch a tan of course ;)