From the Desk of Jacqueline
I have over 10,000 words written…and I feel each of them as I edit and arrange chapters. Feelings of happiness, anxiety, excitement, sadness, pride; among many others. Writing has always been good for my soul. My plan was to be a writer, then when I graduated college in 2008, there were no jobs. I felt a calling to become a teacher so I could help children learn to read and write just like I loved to do. Now that I see Vienna learning and growing before my very eyes more than ever, I feel less inclined to be away from her. DIY was always my therapy and during pregnancy, I needed it more than ever. But towards the end, the only solace I wanted was for them to get her out of me. So to cope, I organized EVERYTHING. It’s still a form of therapy for me, I did whatever I could to keep me sane.
As I wrote those words I felt it again and I needed to take a break. I hope my words resonate with you in some way and can help you understand you are not alone. My story is being told piece by piece, and there will always be another project. It doesn’t all have to happen at once. Our journey is a long one. As I reread my words, I want to make sure I live it.

Jacqueline xoxo
Living By My Own Design
Excerpts from my Book...
Click images below to read
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. whether it be collaborations on DIY, Mental Health, or Author related... Let's chat :)